What Happened?

It has been almost two months since my last post.  Some may have missed me, others may not have noticed, and a few were probably just fine with that.  A lot has changed since January and February.  I am currently going to school full time, and have resigned from outside employment.  It took so much for the Lord to convince me…rely on Him fully.  He will support the call he places on His faithful servant.  I have been so blessed in do so!

So what am I doing now?  I am finishing up a degree I started 20 years ago, before I was married and before kids.  I am pursuing my Bachelors of Science in Psychology.  Returning to college, and mind you jumping back in, right in the middle, full steam was some cause for anxiety.  Not to mention the criticism over my choice of university and degree focus.  I suffered the consequences of denominational discrimination.  My connectedness with some that are close to me PSYCsuffered as a result.  Others could not believe that a Christian has a place in the science community.  I could not disagree more! Now to some my level of commitment to the Lord is questioned, as I must be watering down the Truth if I give science any credit.  I recently had to write on why I was taking a particular psychology class.  It was my first “big” assignment for this professor.  I reviewed the criteria, and wrote.  After polishing up the paper I reread it for the last time before submitting and realized (like a light went BING over my head) this sounds like a sermon.  I submitted it.  Well that assignment got an A and I thought I would share it.  It really reveals my heart for the science of psychology:


I am taking PSYC101 to complete my BS in psychology. This is my first term with Liberty University Online. I am returning after a 20 year hiatus. I resigned my educational pursuit after having my first son. “Life” took over after having his brother, divorce, and working to support us as a single mother their entire lives. Three years ago I lost my very well paying job and felt the Lord call me to return and finish my education. It took a while for this to sink in, as I am became so conditioned to being the sole supporter it took a lot for me to allow God to provide entirely. I have been so blessed in return for doing so, finally. I should not have been so stubborn! I live in a very rural community called Horseshoe Bend in Idaho. We have a population of maybe 700. We are so rural do not even have a traffic signal. No fast food, of which I hear complaints about almost daily from my teenagers. Horseshoe Bend is approximately 30 miles northwest of Boise. I love my little town where people know more about us then we know about ourselves. We enjoy typical Idaho country landscape with a river (Payette) that passes thru town twice, snow capped mountain tops, and of course lots of wildlife; all viewable from my kitchen window.

I am fortunate to have a very refined Biblical Worldview, as apologetics is something I thoroughly enjoy. There are not enough psychologists that while take the science seriously; apply a Biblical Worldview to their science. Christian counselors in my opinion have a bad reputation for not truly helping those with serious mental illnesses. I hope to bring the Lord to my work as a psychologist. The question of our origin is fundamental to any worldview. It literally sets the stage for the rest of the parts to play out. We are divinely designed, created by our loving God (Luke 12:7; Matt 10:30). Our purpose answers both our question of identity, and why we are here (purpose). We are here to know God in an intimate way, to have a reconciled relationship with the Almighty; to give Him Glory; and to fulfill the Great Commission so that all may come to a saving knowledge of Him. Apart from Him we have no identity or purpose (John 15:16; Matt 28:19; Eph 1:11).

What has gone wrong and what the solution should be is cause for many debates. However it really is not that complicated. There is no way to discuss this without bringing up the dreaded “s” and “r” words; sin and repentance (John 1:8-10; Ro 6:23). The Fall of man happened, the consequences were/are great. However, even before The Fall, God gave man free will. The gift of choice allowed for The Fall and people continue to make choices that are not right. Thus the problem of evil appears daily in our society (James 4:17). While the first and foremost step towards a solution is coming to know our Lord, we still have to deal with the repercussions of evil. God has given us a gift of science to do so. But just like any of God’s other gifts it has been abused. Professor Sundi Donovan made an excellent point in her introductory presentation when she stated, “If science ‘seems’ to disprove God’s truth as revealed in scripture, then the science is wrong.” Too many have gotten this backwards and the damage is evident; naturalism being the most prevalent enemy to the Christian faith. Science cannot be our only source of knowledge (Colson, 1999). Functionalism is favored by psychology seeking why human thought is adaptive (King, 2013). While seeking an answer as to why human thought is adaptive is important; if we only give credit to what can be observed we miss the very important and primary spiritual component. Relying on only what can be observed can lead to deception, like in Darwinism.

If we ignore answering the question of destiny, our views on purpose and identity fall apart. Life is eternal, as we are created in our Lord’s image, who is eternal (Gen 1:27; Isa 57:15). If we are eternal, then there must be a destination after our bodies pass away. There is so much that can be said on the matter of Heaven. John 14:2 says it best, “In My Father’s house are many dwelling places; if not, I would have told you. I am going away to prepare a place for you.” (Holman Christian Standard Bible). The way to Heaven is not an easy way. Reconciliation with Jesus is our way (Ro 10:9; John 3:5; Eph 28:10).

Works Cited

Colson, C. W., & Pearcey, N. (1999). The Basis For True Science. How now shall we live? (p. 421). Wheaton, Ill.: Tyndale House Publishers.
King, L. A. (2013). Experience psychology (Second ed.). New York2013: McGraw Hill.